Better digital experience with Prabhatferi

Collection of e-books and audiobooks in one platform

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More to discover

Best collection of e-books and audiobooks in bangla. Choose according to your preference. Any genre in any segment.


Varity of e-book collection, enjoy with the best experience of e-pub


Best readers with the background effect will make you experience the journey with the book


Check out the great features we offer

User friendly UI

Clear navigation, minimalistic design, and intuitive features enhance the user experience

Smart searching

Using advanced techniques and technologies to enhance the efficiency and relevance of online searches

Read on any device

Enjoy the flexibility of accessing your content on various devices.Smartphone, tablet, or computer

Night mode

Aims to mitigate eye strain, enhances visibility in dim environments. Promoting a more comfortable viewing experience


Frequently Asked Questions

  • i. Go to play store> search prabhatferi> tap on the icon > press install. ii. Go to apple store > search prabhatferi> tap on the icon > press install.

  • You can read unlimited e-books and audio book any time you want. You just need to have an INTERNERT connection.

  • Once you buy a book that will be in your account until you delete your account. So every time you login to your account your library will be full of your books that you have purchased.

  • Book price have different range. Starts from 10taka - 500 taka or more.

  • Once you choose a book, tap on that book to get the detail. Then press on “বইটি কিনুন” then a window will pop up from downward. a. If you are from Bangladesh choose “Local Payment” . then press on “continue” b. “Buy now” page will slide in, If you have a promo code then press on “Apply Promo Code” and enter the code press “Apply” then press “pay now”. On the other hand if you don’t have a promo code just press “Pay Now” c. Now you are in payment page choose your method card, MFS (bkash,nagad etc) or net banking then wait for few second fill up the required field and you are done. d. Now come back to my library and press sync button and download the book.